Management of Extensor and Flexor Tendon Injuries

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MiTherapist: Clinical Competency

Welcome to your MiTherapist: Clinical Competency

Following a distal radius fracture, managed with volar ORIF, the patient has a tendency to actively extend the their wrist by overrecruiting which muscle?

What is the primary rationale as to why patients report a loss of active thumb IP and MCP joint flexion and opposition following a distal radial fracture managed with volar ORIF?

The Human Hand: A Study of Anatomy and the Anatomical Relationships of the Hand (Featuring the Dell Hand)

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Intrinsic Intelligence: A Study of Anatomy and the Anatomical Relationships of the Hand

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The Human Hand: A Study of the Anatomy and the Anatomical Relationships of the Hand (Professional Video Series)

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Hand and Upper Extremity Operational & Behavioral Competency Assessment

Welcome to your Hand and Upper Extremity Operational & Behavioral Competency Assessment
